About Lucy
I’m told I was nameless for the first couple days of my life. My parents had picked out the name “Kurtis”, seemingly forgetting there was a 50% chance they needed to also choose a girls name. Lucille Judith Tunke was the glory bestowed upon me. The early years of my life I wasn’t sure I liked the name “Lucy”, but when I found what my name meant, I then felt that God had given me a pretty awesome name. “Bringer of Light” is a calling that I aspired to live up to.
I grew up near the Rockies, in Alberta. Two siblings were born after me; Kurtis (surprise, surprise) and then my sister, Gwen. I suffered greatly from ‘first-born-ism’. I was the cheap (free!) babysitter of siblings, the first to be called upon to do errands around the house and the last to be allowed to do anything cool. My mom figures all that built character into me but I still think my siblings lives, by comparison, were a breeze! ;)
I was affectionately dubbed “Mrs. Doodle hammer” fairly early in life for the fact that I was quite particular of things being just so. Gwen tells me that she was always amazed when I would know she had been in my room. She would go look and touch all the cool “big sister stuff” and then put it back right where she found it, but I had everything perfectly in its place and something moved half an inch would have my radar! This is a quirk that Mark has caught on to and made a game of moving things in my apartment, waiting to see how long it takes for me to find the “out of order” object.
I remember watching an Easter play, when I was 4 or 5 years old, and being really moved. I was crying and remember thinking, “Why did they do that to Jesus? He never did anything wrong.” My mom asked me if I wanted to give my life over to Jesus, I replied that I did and I remember praying together at the front of the church. Although my understanding of what Jesus did for us was limited at the time, from that point I have grow in my faith, love and commitment to Jesus Christ.
I took piano lessons as a child because I wanted to be able to play in church. If I had only known the agony of all that practice I probably wouldn’t have started, but I had parents that wouldn’t let me be a quitter and the pay off was worth it. I started helping out on the church worship team in my mid teens and this has continued through out my lifetime. I’ve especially enjoyed being in the Revolution band the last few years. It has challenged me musically but also given me a close-knit group of friends to work with. I feel such a connection with God through worship and consider it a privilege to lead others to Jesus in that way.
Out of high school I traveled for two years with a ministry team called LifeFORCE. We presented school assemblies and evangelistic outreach events Friday nights throughout Canada and some of the States. LifeFORCE made way for some great friendships, lots of personal growth and a lot of super-crazy memories.
It was on LifeFORCE that I first came to Aylmer, Ontario and through a series of events I was asked, by Aylmer Full Gospel Church, to intern a summer working with their youth and help with the music ministry. That summer turned into a subsequent 11 years as youth pastor. Being a youth pastor was not something I looked for, nor necessarily wanted to do at the time, but God knows our heart and soul passions more than we do and He seemed to see a fit!
So much of my life and heart belong in Aylmer because of the youth I grew to love. The weekly youth services, band practice, youth group ministry trips and missions, yearly masquerades, sleep-overs, Revolution… there was so much experience together. I found such fulfillment in pouring my life into the students, whom in my heart were “my kids”.
My greatest joy was seeing spiritual growth in the lives of the youth. It made all the hard work become worth it!
A new chapter of my life opened up when I resigned December 2007. I got a job working in a group home for Christian Horizons, whom serve those with developmental disabilities. April 1/09 marked one year at Christian Horizons, and one year of enjoying getting to know and serve another group of people.
July 31/09 will close another chapter of my life as August 1/09 brings on married life in Toronto!
I grew up near the Rockies, in Alberta. Two siblings were born after me; Kurtis (surprise, surprise) and then my sister, Gwen. I suffered greatly from ‘first-born-ism’. I was the cheap (free!) babysitter of siblings, the first to be called upon to do errands around the house and the last to be allowed to do anything cool. My mom figures all that built character into me but I still think my siblings lives, by comparison, were a breeze! ;)
I was affectionately dubbed “Mrs. Doodle hammer” fairly early in life for the fact that I was quite particular of things being just so. Gwen tells me that she was always amazed when I would know she had been in my room. She would go look and touch all the cool “big sister stuff” and then put it back right where she found it, but I had everything perfectly in its place and something moved half an inch would have my radar! This is a quirk that Mark has caught on to and made a game of moving things in my apartment, waiting to see how long it takes for me to find the “out of order” object.
I remember watching an Easter play, when I was 4 or 5 years old, and being really moved. I was crying and remember thinking, “Why did they do that to Jesus? He never did anything wrong.” My mom asked me if I wanted to give my life over to Jesus, I replied that I did and I remember praying together at the front of the church. Although my understanding of what Jesus did for us was limited at the time, from that point I have grow in my faith, love and commitment to Jesus Christ.
I took piano lessons as a child because I wanted to be able to play in church. If I had only known the agony of all that practice I probably wouldn’t have started, but I had parents that wouldn’t let me be a quitter and the pay off was worth it. I started helping out on the church worship team in my mid teens and this has continued through out my lifetime. I’ve especially enjoyed being in the Revolution band the last few years. It has challenged me musically but also given me a close-knit group of friends to work with. I feel such a connection with God through worship and consider it a privilege to lead others to Jesus in that way.
Out of high school I traveled for two years with a ministry team called LifeFORCE. We presented school assemblies and evangelistic outreach events Friday nights throughout Canada and some of the States. LifeFORCE made way for some great friendships, lots of personal growth and a lot of super-crazy memories.
It was on LifeFORCE that I first came to Aylmer, Ontario and through a series of events I was asked, by Aylmer Full Gospel Church, to intern a summer working with their youth and help with the music ministry. That summer turned into a subsequent 11 years as youth pastor. Being a youth pastor was not something I looked for, nor necessarily wanted to do at the time, but God knows our heart and soul passions more than we do and He seemed to see a fit!
So much of my life and heart belong in Aylmer because of the youth I grew to love. The weekly youth services, band practice, youth group ministry trips and missions, yearly masquerades, sleep-overs, Revolution… there was so much experience together. I found such fulfillment in pouring my life into the students, whom in my heart were “my kids”.
My greatest joy was seeing spiritual growth in the lives of the youth. It made all the hard work become worth it!
A new chapter of my life opened up when I resigned December 2007. I got a job working in a group home for Christian Horizons, whom serve those with developmental disabilities. April 1/09 marked one year at Christian Horizons, and one year of enjoying getting to know and serve another group of people.
July 31/09 will close another chapter of my life as August 1/09 brings on married life in Toronto!