Why Lucy Likes Mark
- Have you ever heard one of Marks spontanious crazy rhyming songs? Careful. The habit is contagious!
- Mark loves God and he proves it by spending much of his time serving and helping people
- Lucy is awful at computers and so she prayed for years for a man with know-how… enter Mark
- Mark is great at encouraging Lucy's creative side
- Some people don’t like trying new things. Mark isn’t one of them
- Mark play-fights only cause it is one of Lucy’s
favorite things to do - You can tell a person cares about people when they look them in the eye when talking to them. Mark does that
- Some men are “a mans man” and some men are sweet and gentle. Mark is a perfect combination of the two
- Lucy likes to cook, Mark likes to eat. Good combination. Lol. …actually it’s the fact that he loves HER cooking that is important
- He is humble
- Even though Mark swears to never change a dirty diaper, Lucy is still convinced he will make a great dad cause he is a man that values his family a tonne