Gwen Nett - Matron of Honor
Gwen is my kid sister. Being 4 ½ years younger, she was the pest that used to sneak into my room to “borrow” stuff, the cute one that I was jealous of and later the tag along that I had to bring with me to youth group. When mom went back to work, once us kids were all school age, I became more like a second mom to Gwen and I took that role very seriously. She needed me! It is so great to move from those awkward kid stages and find that the gap in age closes as we grow up. There is no one else that could fill the place of “matron-of-honor” other than my sister and I am especially happy that we are getting to experience the newly-wed stage at the same time. Thanx for coming all the way from Alberta to be a big part of our day, Gwen!