Ted Barham
I met Ted in 1999 when I moved to Toronto. We lived together in a dank dungeon of an apartment on Madison Ave, and it was a few months before we realized that in actual fact we were related. It's true. Ted and I have a common ancestor, one of our great-great grandmas were sisters. How crazy is that? Some say we look like brothers, most think we act like brothers. When living together we would often scoff at marriage and the female species, but more memorable were our deep theological discussions while walking the streets of Toronto. Ted moved to Oxford, UK a few years ago, and it was essential for me to go visit him. It was then that I shared with him how I had met Lucy only a few months prior. He had some very sound advice, most of which I can't remember, but the soundness of it stuck with me. And that is Ted's nature, thoughtful, intelligent with a sense of humour that will completely catch you off guard.